Working people everywhere object to paying taxes 各地的工薪族都反对缴税。
A lot of people will object to the book 很多人都会对这本书表示反感。
I did not really object to Will's behaviour so much as his personality 我与其说是反感威尔的行为,不如说是讨厌他的为人。
I'd like some coffee, and I don't object to the powdered stuff if it's all you've got 我想来点咖啡,如果你只有速溶的那种也可以。
I do object to their claim, which I find totally unsubstantiated. 我强烈反对他们的说法,那是毫无根据的。
We object to dumping substandard machines on the market. 我们反对将次品机器向市场倾销。
I object to being repeatedly dropped on in this manner. 我反对用这种方式屡次被挑中。
A considerable number of people object to the government's attitude to immigration. 相当多的人反对政府对待移民问题的态度。
First, you set up a database connection object to a local database. 首先,您设置一个到本地数据库的数据库连接对象。
A Java parameter mapping lets you write arbitrary Java code to transform one object to another. Java参数映射允许您编写任意Java代码来将一个对象转换为另一个对象。
You can also specify an object to lock explicitly with a parenthetical parameter. 您还可以指定一个对象用以通过一个附加参数进行显式的锁定。
Use the accessor object to set the credentials. 使用accessor对像设置证书。
We will now create a second business object to represent the response. 现在,我们要创建第二个业务对象来表示响应。
We created a simple helper function to support using the XMLHttpRequest object to invoke services using E4X. 我们创建了一个简单的辅助函数,以支持使用XMLHttpRequest对象来调用使用E4X的服务。
When a socket connects, append the socket object to an array. 当一个套接字进行连接时,将该套接字对象附加到一个数组。
Let's use the example of a Person data object to illustrate the important concepts of Type and Property. 我们使用Person数据对象的例子来说明“类型”和“属性”这两个重要概念。
The latter has to create an object to be referred to, as well as a local reference. 后者必须创建一个将引用的对象,以及一个本地引用。
You will use a JavaScript object to group our validation data and messages in a hierarchy. 您将使用一个JavaScript对象把我们的验证数据和消息分组到一个层级中。
So with some effort, you can coax an object to behave like both a sequence and an iterator. 所以,通过某些措施,可以让一个对象同时表现得像序列和迭代器。
Next we add this object to the listenerMap so that it can be reused later. 接下来,我们将这个对象添加到listenerMap,从而可以在稍后实现重用。
This is the key indexing object to which files will be added as the script recurses through directories. 这是键索引对象,当脚本在目录中进行递归时,文件添加到其中。
Next, you can use the Selection object to type text into the document. 然后就可以使用Selection对象向文档输入文本了。
When the net has visited each pattern, it sets the value of a weight object to this sum. 当网络访问过每一个图案后,它将一个权重对象的值设置为这个和。
Sets all the instance variables in the object to their default values. 将对象中所有的实例变量设置为它们的默认值。
Let's see what happens when I create a jukebox object to play those Songs. 我们来看看当我创建一个JukeBox对象来播放Song时,发生了什么。
Create client implementation to gather and transfer the request object to the simulator service. 生成客户端实现以收集请求对象并将其传递给模拟器服务。
Instead, all of the examples use just one object to store data in the datastore. 相反,所有的示例都只使用一个对象把数据保存到数据存储中。
The WorkingCopy starts the parser creation by constructing a CModelBuilder object to manage the parsing process. WorkingCopy通过构建一个用于管理解析过程的CModelBuilder对象来开始解析器的创建。
This function delegates to separate functions for adding the employee object to the list and to the table. 该函数授权分离函数,将员工对象添加到列表以及添加到表格。
The addCD method uses the store object to store the CD in the system. addCD方法在系统中使用store对象来存储CD。